Welcome to the new SCS website

Welcome to the new Salonika Campaign Society website. This has been growing gradually since the previous site ‘went west’ in the summer, but it is only now that I feel it warrants a proper introduction.

It was never my intention to rebuild the website mid-Centenary – that would be daft – but an unfortunate series of events involving a security scan and a failed software upgrade led to the need to start again – in spite of regular backups. Having little choice but to see this as an opportunity, I have moved to the well known ‘WordPress’ and decided to make use of its blogging capabilities rather than recreating the static web pages we had before. I have had much to learn, but this will hopefully give the Society a more flexible and interactive website. Only time will tell.

Robin Braysher, SCS Web Editor

Author: Andy Hutt

Andy's interest in the campaign comes from his grandfather, Arthur, who served in Salonika as a sapper with the Royal Engineers from 1916-1918. Opinions expressed in these posts are personal and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Society.

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