The New Mosquito : the Society’s Journal

There are many benefits to membership of the Salonika Campaign Societyyou can find them listed here – but an especially valuable, tangible one is our journal which is produced twice a year, in April and September. The New Mosquito started life in April 2000 as a photocopied newsletter of just nine pages; now it is a glossy, professionally printed journal of at least 28 pages – the Struma Special was an impressive 38 – and when appropriate (and funds permit) it includes colour pictures!

It provides news of the activities of the Society – including battlefield tours and projects, ceremonies of remembrance, meetings and conferences – but most of all it is packed with material on all aspects of the campaign that you will find nowhere else: previously unpublished diaries and letters, and the results of members’ research into units and individuals who served in Macedonia between 1915 and 1918. During these centenary years each September issue has a topical theme; to date we have had one on 10th (Irish) Division in Serbia (2015) and, most recently, an issue devoted to the BSF in the Struma Valley (the River Strymónas).

Back issues

Back issues (subject to availability) can be bought but sadly, at present, there is no full index of back issues. I don’t miss much from the old website, but I was sorry to see the listing of The New Mosquito issues disappear, if only because it took so long to put together. I concede, though, that it wasn’t a proper searchable index so I intend to rectify that now using the functionality offered by WordPress. It won’t happen overnight but, as time allows, I will add posts devoted to specific issues, with an image of the cover and full details of the contents. This probably won’t be chronological, instead I will look for issues relevant to where we are in the centenary; for example, with the anniversary of the First Battle of Doiran looming (April/May 1917), it would be good to highlight articles on that. So watch this space!

Of course, if anyone would like to while away the winter evenings constructing a proper index of The New Mosquito, we would be delighted to hear from you.

Update 19th February 2023: We don’t have, as yet, a full index for The New Mosquito but we do have a content list for the journal. All past issues are also available to members of the Society via the Members’ Area.

The logo of 'The New Mosquito', printed journal of the Salonika Campaign Society.

Author: Andy Hutt

Andy's interest in the campaign comes from his grandfather, Arthur, who served in Salonika as a sapper with the Royal Engineers from 1916-1918. Opinions expressed in these posts are personal and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Society.

3 thoughts on “The New Mosquito : the Society’s Journal”

  1. Hi,

    My Grandfather, Private Harold Whitworth, Sherwood Ranger Yeomanry 1st/1st, had a leg amputated as a result of gangrene having been hit by a sniper while patrolling in the Struma valley. I know nothing else other than he was on the SS Cestrian when it was torpedoed 24th June 1917. He must have had time to bring some of his belongings because I have his 1914 stirrups! He died in 1973 when I was five so never got chance to ask him about it. I would very much like to piece together his movements in Salonica and as a starting point would be very keen to buy a copy of the Struma special (He named my mother ‘Struma’!). Can you provide details of how to buy a copy of this back issue please?

    Many thanks

    Andy Mayes

  2. Dear Andy,

    Thanks for your email, that’s an interesting story. I’ll get back to you with more information shortly.

    Best wishes,
    Robin Braysher
    SCS Web Editor

  3. Hi Andy. Please see issue No 30 of the Salonika Campaign journal page 8 “The Veteran Horse Soldier”. The article gives details of the Sherwood Rangers in Salonika and details of the loss of the SS Cestrian.

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